Stream Flows
Mills River near Mills River, NC
Use data from this gage as an indicator of water levels for all streams in the Mills River watershed including N. and S. Fork Mills River, and their tributaries.
Davidson River near Brevard, NC
Use data from this gage as an indicator of water levels for the Davidson River and its tributaries, Looking Glass Creek, and Avery Creek.
West Fork of the Pigeon River above Lake Logan, NC
Use data from this gage as an indicator of water levels for all streams in the Middle Prong and Shining Rock Wilderness areas including W. Fork Pigeon River, Middle Prong, East Fork of the Pigeon River and their tributaries.
Cataloochee Creek
Use data from this gage as an indicator of water levels for all streams in Cataloochee Valley including Big & Little Cataloochee Creek, Caldwell Creek, Palmer Creek, and Rough Creek.
Up to 150 cfs is excellent. Consider blown out if levels are at 300 cfs or higher
South Toe River near Mt Mitchell, NC
Use this graph as an indicator of water levels for the South Toe River and its tributaries.
I think I fish, in part, because it's an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution.